Activities Teams
Debate Team
Brian Schilling
Debbie Fenlason
The Duluth Debate team is for future lawyers, politicians, orators, and anyone who wants to be a part of a team that learns what it means to be a confident speaker and learns to make intelligent arguments to solve the most difficult issues in our day. Debate is a MSHSL team that competes on Saturdays (starting end of September).
Greg Jones
Peter Froehlingsdorf
Emily Parr
East has a successful theater program that spans the year. We typiclly start the school year with a musical (auditions take place the spring before). Student actors, technicians, musicians, and creative staff come together to put on a polished performance. Watch for announcements to get involved.
In late fall, we hold auditions for our competition one act. Groups of actors and technicians compete in January and February for a chance to compete in section finals and at the state one act festival.
We wrap up the school year with another show that takes the stage in late April or early May. This tends to be a non-musical show.
Each of the three shows require an audition (for on stage roles) or an application for tech roles.
Knowledge Bowl
Greg Jones
Colleen Knettel
We take several teams of five on the road to compete in a fast-paced quiz style competition. There are math and science questions, grammar questions, and history and geography questions. And so many questons in so many more categories. If you like trivia or a just great at high school, join us to see if Knowledge Bowl is fun to you.
- Meeting Dates: Fridays 7:30-8:00am
- Meeting Location: Room 2002 or Library Media Center - Room 2064
- Registration Window: December-January
- Cost: $60 for activity fee plus $20 for bussing.
Want to join?
Register here!
Math Team
Christy Fisher
East Math Team members practice working through challenging math problems not seen in the typical math class. There are 5 competitions that take place on a Monday after school in which team members take individual timed tests and a team test. The Duluth East team competes against other area schools and depending on results could advance to the State Math Competition in the twin cities in March.
- Meeting Dates: Tuesdays 8:00am and 2nd Hour on PAWS Days
- Meeting Location: Room 2049
- Registration Window: September - November
- Cost: $60
Want to join?
Register here!
Speech Team
Greg Jones
Peter Froehlingsdorf
Jace LeGarde
On the Duluth East speech team, you'll compete with a talented group of students who work the season to hone their skills. Although most people think the speech team must have students speaking in front of large audiences every meet, but that's not true. A typical round at a speech meet has only a handful of students and one adult watching. If you're interested in working on your acting skills or writing skills or even discussion skills, we have a place for you on the team. Minnesota has thirteen different categories, and we'll help you find the right one for you. The team is a supportive and encouraging one. Join us.
Speech meetings and practices start at the beginning of December and the competition season starts at the end of January and runs into the start of April.
- Meeting Dates: Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 pm
- Meeting Location: Library
- Registration Window: December-January
- Cost: $235
Want to join?
Register here!